Monday, November 14, 2011

Custard Pudding

         In this a few day, I have nothing to do at home; therefore, I decided to turn on my computer, go into YouTube website, and learn how to cook. First video that I had been learning is how to make pancake but I decided not to make it because is too boring for me. Luckily, beside pancake video, there was related video, pudding caramel, which caught my eye. I watched this video, follow their stop, and learn how to make it

watch this youtube video and compare to my one….. ●ω●

                      In this part, I got burn my painful !!!!!!!!!

                          steam steam steam..............below the boiling point


          Last,I needed to wait until it become cool then I can take out my pudding from the mold. Hopefully, it will successful ( ^^)人(^^ ) ┌(^_^)┘♪└(^_^)┐

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